Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Natural Skin Care Beauty Tips Made From Natural Ingredients

For natural home cures, kitchen is the great place to start. Natural cures created at home for the smallest of problems from natural ingredients such fruits, vegetables, herbs are catching loads of attention due to its very nature of cure - no or negligible cost, purity, without side effects, dollops of TLC (tender, loving care), simple and no side effects. Sounds too good to be true?
- Try this for dandruff problem; soak 1 tbsp of fenugreek seeds overnight. Grind them into a paste. Apply on hair for an hour and wash it off using gram flour paste.
- For dry, flaky skin on your arms and legs, try this concoction. Mix 6 tsp petroleum jelly, 2 tsp each of glycerin and lemon juice. Apply this moisturizing lotion at least twice a week.
- Peel, grate and squeeze the juice of a cucumber. Mix it with ½ tsp each of glycerin and rose water. Apply this if you are suffering for sun burns.
- A facemask of egg white and honey gently removes the tan from your face.
- Dip cotton wool pads in chilled mixture of cucumber and potato juice. Keep this on your eyelids for 15 to 20 minutes and gently wash it off. A way out for dark circles.
- Melt paraffin wax; mix it with little mustard oil and apply on the affected area. Leave it on overnight. After 10 or 15 days, your cracked heels will become smooth.
- Mix oats with honey, yogurt and ground almonds. Apply this to your face, leave it for five minutes and wash with lukewarm water.
- Try chocolate mask to make your normal to dry skin, skin smooth. Take 1/3 cup cocoa, 3 tsp of heavy cream, 1/3 cup ripe papaya, ¼ cup honey and 3 tsp of oatmeal powder. Mix them together. Smooth on your face. After 10 minutes, wash your face with warm water.
- For oily skin, apply a mixture of grapes (softens your skin), lemon (natural cleanser) and egg white (tightens the skin). Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.
- Tone and refresh your skin by rubbing the wedge of a cut lemon all over your face. Leave it for about 20 minutes and then rinse off with cold water.
- You can mix 1 tbsp cranberry sauce juice with 2 tbsp of Vaseline for a delicious home made lip balm.
- Mix honey, lemon and vegetable oil for a great home made moisturiser for your dry skin. Apply this concoction for 10 minutes.
- For a glowing skin, heat 4 tbsp of almond oil, 2 tbsp each of lanolin, petroleum jelly and extra virgin olive oil. Blend all these ingredients and massage into your skin.
- Mix a slice of pumpkin with egg yolk and milk. Let this mask set on your face for 30 minutes for a glowing skin.
- Massage your body with a mixture of coconut oil and some of your favourite scented oils like lavender or rosemary. Your skin, besides smelling heavenly, will acquire a silky and supple quality.
- Mix ½ cup honey to your bath water for soft and smooth skin.
- Paste of mint leaves and almonds, mixed with warm water and applied all over body till it dries and rinsed off with warm water makes a soothing body pack.
- Buttermilk dabbed on skin for 15 minutes will soak up oil from your skin without drying it.
- Carrot juice applied daily helps blemishes fade.
- For dark underarms and neck - apply lemon juice mixed with cucumber juice and a pinch of turmeric daily. Leave this on for 20 minutes.
- A mix of crushed mint leaves and oats applied for 20 minutes and washed off with warm water will reduce pimples.
- Hair on face - apply a sticky paste of egg white blended with sugar and corn flour. When it dries, gently peel it off. Repeat this three to four times a week.
- Thin apple slices rubbed onto oily skin will help in controlling the oily shine.
- For supple skin, apply a ripe mashed banana on your face for 20 minutes daily.
- Try this natural bleach to lighten the tan. Mix orange peels (sun dried and powdered) with milk. Apply this paste for 25 minutes and rinse off.
The reader of this article should exercise all precautions while following instructions on the recipes from this article. Avoid using if you are allergic to something. The responsibility lies with the reader and not the site and the writer.
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Sunday, June 11, 2006
Beauty Basics - Eight Tips For Naturally Beautiful Skin

Not sure what to look for when choosing cosmetics? Need some advice on taking care of your skin? Here are eight tips to help your skin look and feel it's best.
1) Select moisturizers made with vegetable oils. The lotions, creams and body oils that you use should be made with vegetable oils, not mineral oil. Vegetable oils, (like olive oil, sweet almond oil, corn oil, etc.) contain fatty acids which help to moisturize and soften the skin. Mineral oil is derived from petroleum and does not contain anything that helps to nourish the skin.
2) Look for herbs and herbal derivatives in your cosmetics. Herbs and their derivatives (essential oils, extracts, infusions) contain natural chemicals which soothe, tone and help condition the skin. Two herbs which are especially useful in natural cosmetics are Lavender and Tea tree. The essential oils of both lavender and tea tree are gentle, natural antiseptics.
3) Once a week soak your feet in warm water, and gently exfoliate dead skin with a pumice stone. Follow up by moisturizing your feet with a natural foot oil or foot lotion.
4) Every week soak in a tub of bath salts. Salt, especially salts mined from the Dead Sea in the Middle East, are rich in minerals and help draw impurities out of the skin.
5) After a shower or bath, seal in moisture by using a body oil or lotion made from natural vegetable oils.
6) If you have blemishes and your skin is dry, moisturize your skin in the morning and at night with products that contain vegetable oils which are high in essential fatty acids. Essential fatty acids help to soften and hydrate the skin and they can also help soothe minor irritations. Vegetable oils that contain large amounts of essential fatty acids are: corn oil, sunflower seed oil, safflower oil, borage oil, blackcurrant seed oil and evening primrose oil.
7) Look for toners and astringents that are made without ethyl alcohol, rubbing alcohol or isopropyl alcohol. These ingredients are solvents that are extremely drying to the skin.
8) Every time you wash your hands, moisturize them with a natural lotion or cream to help them stay soft.
Labels: Natural beauty
Thursday, June 08, 2006
How to Create Your Own Natural Skin Care Recipes - For Dry Flaky Skin

Good day everybody! Start the day with a sMile... So, back to today's topic. This is how u can save BIG money and still get those radiant, adorable look :
You have to know that skin basically does everything alone. This means that it can produce enough oil from the sebaceous glands to make it shine and work together perfectly. The problems appear when it becomes dry.
Keeping this in mind there are several solutions you can apply using ingredients already found inside your home or at the local grocery shop.
Remember that what you eat is very important and bad diets or insufficient nutritional ingredients damage every part of the body. To be healthy and have perfect skin a balanced diet is the first factor that has to be taken into consideration. Perfect glowing skin can be achieved.
Have you heard of proteins? Well, they are very important for one’s skin regeneration and repair. Processed food rich in preservatives and salt will take moisture out of your skin. They can also cause the dreaded dry skin everybody is afraid of. Why not eat fish (salmon is the best), turkey, chicken or include in your diet vegetable protein? The all hated vegetables! They contain vegetal protein which is perfect for the body. Avoid frozen food! Vegetables are especially good if fresh.
Why not include in your natural skin care recipes ingredients such as garlic, onions or eggs? The contain Sulfur in a natural form and this substance is very important for the skin. Several multi-vitamins out there also contain sulfur and should be taken into account if your diet is lacking it.
Is your skin cracked? Have you considered being careful that your body receives enough vitamins A and B? Lacks of them cause this. Include in your diet food that contains these vitamins and eat carrots.
Beta-Carotene can be found in them and it’s good not only for your eyes. It plays a significant role in skin care as well.
What you also have to include in your diets number:
* Alpha-Hydroxy acids
* EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids)
* Lactic Acid
* Supplements
* Vitamin E
* Aloe Vera
Another important rule is: Avoid Junk Food! It is simply not good for you from all point of views.
Natural skin care recipes are available everywhere. Some work, some don’t! The best method of choosing one is to ask friends that use them. Also keep in mind that what works for somebody may not work on you! Don’t be discouraged and keep trying.
The best way to keep your skin perfect is by eating healthy and give your body every vitamin and mineral it needs. In most cases there is no need of expensive creams or lotions. A good moisturizer can replace them all if combined with a healthy way of eating.
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Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Why Natural

Why do I (we) need natural skin care solutions? Consider this :
Natural skin care has been the choice of beautiful women all over the world for thousands of years. It has only been recently that cosmetic companies have formulated makeup and skin care products that contain chemicals and artificial additives in an effort to improve on the natural skin care regimens that have been around for centuries.
But today many women have come to realize that these harsh chemicals and artificial ingredients that are so expensive aren’t necessarily good for their skin – in fact, in some cases they can cause drying and stripping of the skin’s natural pH balance and interfere with the body’s natural skin repair process. That’s why so many have returned to the natural herbal skin care routines that are based on some of the same key ingredients that might have been used by legendary beauties like Cleopatra or Marie Antoinette.
Some basic beauty secrets of the ages – natural herbal ingredients for skin care includes essential oils, rose water, crushed almonds, sea salts, rice powder, shea butter and purified water are common. These ingredients are good for the skin as rarely you will encounter any allergy to them. These natural ingredients can help to moisturize dry skin and contains cooling botanicals to promote the healing of blemishes and a complete skin care regimen. The benefits include slowing down the aging process and help to diminish those fine lines and crow’s feet.
Natural herbal skin care can be the answer if you have sensitive skin and are prone to rashes and or break-outs. Many people don’t realize that occasional flare-ups of blemishes or rashes can mean your skin is being irritated by the many chemicals in the soaps, cleansers, astringents and other products your skin is exposed to every day. Add to the list the many dyes, chemicals and preservatives in your makeup and it’s a virtual assault on your delicate skin.
That’s what makes natural herbal skin care so important as a part of your daily skin care routine. Using natural, soothing ingredients can actually calm and soothe your skin, reducing the number of break-outs and rashes. Soothing ingredients like oatmeal for sensitive skin calm itching and redness when rare flare-ups do occur due to environmental stressors.
Most natural skin products are full of natural botanicals, vitamins and minerals and pure anti-oxidants to nourish your skin, and are just as rich and creamy as any luxury department store skin care line. There is a whole range of products, from natural clay masks for acne to healing aloe gels for dry skin. Best of all, these does not contain the harsh chemicals that you can find in some other non-natural products.
By using natural herbal skin care products, you’re improving the condition of your skin and decreasing the likelihood of future skin problems.
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